Thursday, February 24, 2011

If I Could Put Time In a Bottle...

It is highly possibly that Sherry Judy will be the only one that could finish this song, so that was for you, girlfriend! Regardless if you know this song from the 1970's, this points directly to our lesson this week. Time is the one thing we really can't put in a bottle and save for another day. Each day comes to us fresh with possibilities, but never shows up again. We are often far more intentional with how we spend our money, which is a semi-renewable resource, than how we spend our time.

This week in MT we discussed the traps of overcommitment, disorganization, and just plain old time-wasters, and how the enemy will use these to his full advantage. The number one challenge of most women with families to tend to is not enough time, which is a lie.

Now, before you get in a huff and call me nuts and think "She has no idea how much I have to do everyday", know that I am not judging. I am holding the door wide open to a biblical truth though...

I have time to do everything that God wants me to do.

That radical idea comes straight from the Bible, which we already know is the ultimate source of truth and perspective.
  • God made time.
  • God made you.
  • God has a plan for you in this time.
Consider if the things you are filling your time with are investments that lead you to the goals you've set for your family and yourself. Do the goals you've set for yourself honor your family? I talked Tuesday about training for the Danskin Triathlon last summer. Two workouts five days each week don't leave a lot of time to think about anyone else's needs but my own, and while it was fun and hugely rewarding, it isn't something I should make a priority every summer.

I know I have a habit of being reactive instead of proactive throughout my day. Here's a practical tip I found in the book Shopping for Time by the Girl Talk Blog Girls: practice the 15:4 rule. Spending 15 minutes planning and thinking through your activities will save you four hours of wasted time. Also, when you sit down and write out your list of things you need to get done, do the one you are most likely to avoid first.

Some advice from the book is how to handle busy seasons, because some times of our lives are just plain old hectic. Shopping For Time breaks down priorities like this:
  1. Separate the really-do-matter things from the really-don't-matter items. The first priority would be spending time with Jesus in the morning. That might be a devotional reading, or even just seeing what the Klove verse of the day is and pondering that throughout your day. Get a word from the Word. Then, ask what one thing would please your husband. Next, what one issue in my children's life needs attention today. Last, food and laundry. If they have a meal and clean clothes, you have met their basic needs for today.
  2. Simplify: Ask how you can make each task easier...paper plates, utilize the dry cleaners occasionally, grab a $5 pizza for dinner. Lower your expectation of yourself for this busy season.
  3. Size Up your limitations. Remember that only God is God. You will not live a life of perfection, and allow yourself to be ok with this.
This is just a quick reminder to value the time you have and to not clutter it up like a junk drawer in the kitchen. Figure out what needs to stay, what should go, and what could be done by someone else. Challenge yourself to make one change. If you are not yet connecting to God, make that your priority. Proverbs 31 sends out a devotional each morning to the emails that you can subscribe to through their website. Don't be intimidated by the idea. God is a great big God waiting to meet you where you are at today, just the way you are.

Getting up before the family will help you focus on your upcoming day without distraction. I found a blog called be a good encouraging resource. Inspired To Action is all about living proactively, and she has a free e-book that you can download by clicking here to start your mornings out right. Check it out if you want.

I will be praying that God will fill each of you with all wisdom of His plan for you, that you will be growing in your knowledge of Him, that you will be strengthened with all power that gives endurance and patience for this life He has set you in. (Colossians 1:9-11). You can do this, girlfriends, with God's help.

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