Saturday, November 12, 2011

Worry Warts and Other Diseases

Now, to be honest, I don't know if this last Mom Time was fun exactly, but I do think it was beneficial. As you know, this semester we have been talking about things that rob us of contentment, or peace. Contentment means not wanting to have or be anything different than what we already have or are. Make sense?

This week, we talked about fear/worry, anger, and guilt. Instead of arming you all with techniques and cute sayings, we fought these three joy stealers with Truth, with scripture. Many of us worry, or give in to fearful thoughts, but did you ever realize that fear and faith both have the same starting point: each expects something to happen. It is the direction we allow those thoughts to go that makes the difference.

The Bible has 366 verses relating to fear, one for each day including leap year. Find one, or a few, to cling to when the middle-of-the-night what-if's are stealing your peaceful night's rest. Here are some to get you started:
  • Philippians 4:6
  • 2 Timothy 1:7
  • Psalm 91
  • Joshua 1:9
Maybe you aren't a worrier. Maybe anger is your thing. We had a great discussion on anger in our small group, on whether we are stuffers or venters. When something makes you angry, do you stuff it or blow up? For many of us, it depended on who was getting under our skin. We tend to bottle it up when adults are making us mad, but then blow up at our kids when they do the littlest thing. Psychologists call this the "kick the dog" syndrome, taking it out on someone weaker. Anger alone isn't the problem, it is the sinning that usually accompanies it. If we use our anger the way God intended it to be used, to correct an injustice, the world would be a better place. Usually though, we get angry when things don't go our way. When the kids are misbehaving and ruining our peace and quiet. When our husbands fall short of our expectation. Normal, but not right. Just sayin'....
Here are some scriptures to help you keep your anger in check:
  • Proverbs 19:11
  • James 1:19
  • Ephesians 4:2
  • Ephesians 4:31-32
Just when you thought we couldn't have more fun, (read facetiously), we moved on to guilt. Guilt will stop you dead in your happy tracks and remind you that you are no good. That those mistakes you made, the times you yelled at your kids, that time you were creepy to someone who didn't deserve it, are the real you and you should probably just sit down and be quiet. Ok. Is that just me? Guilt is the voice of the enemy trying to drown out the voice of God. The good news? He can't do it if we don't let him. Every single one of us has sinned, has made mistakes, has made poor choices. That is why Jesus came, to rescue us from our sin. Remember, the weight of your sin cannot outweigh the grace of God. If you struggle with guilt, claim these scriptures as your own. God has better for you, and it is time to live in His freedom.
  • Psalm 103:12
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • 1 John 1:9
  • Isaiah 43:25
This week was definitely heavy on Bible, but this is where the practical, biblical aspect of Mom Time comes in. Just telling you "don't worry, be happy" really doesn't help. Knowing and claiming the Word of God is where the battle is won. Stand in victory over the things that steal your contentment, my friends. The war has already been won. We just need to live like it.
"He will keep in perfect peace those whose heart is steadfast upon Him."
Isaiah 26:3

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