Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Eve: Is This All There Is?

We kicked off our Mom Time season with a lesson from Eve...makes sense to start with the first mom in the Bible, right? Even though Eve was created differently than we were, we actually have a lot in common with her. We are women. We are moms. Even if we aren't married, we still have had relationships with men. And, sometimes, we are prone to dissatisfaction with our lives.

How do we know that Eve was dissatisfied? Read between the lines of Genesis 3...Even though she lived in a literal paradise in the full fellowship of God, the serpent (the devil) was able to get her to do what God had expressly forbidden her to do: eat the fruit of a certain tree. The result was catastrophic, and I have to wonder if the devil had told her the specifics of what would happen, would she have still made the same choice?

Eve's sin and Adam's following her example changed the course of history. They knew they were naked. They got kicked out of the Garden of Eden. They brought sin and death into the world, requiring God to make a way for us to regain our good standing with Him.

This is a story of the fall of creation, but it is also the beginning of the story for you and me. God, in His great mercy, was not satisfied to have us separated from Him, so He sent His Son to make the way. Adam and Eve are on one side of that story, waiting for redemption. We are on the other side, with relationship once again available with God through Jesus.

Personal Application
Have you ever done something that you knew you weren't supposed to but you did it anyway? Since we are all human, I'll go ahead and answer for you: uh-huh. Why did you do it? Were you surprised by the consequences? How are you guarding against making the same mistakes again?

We don't get real "churchy" in Mom Time, but we do want you to know the biblical perspective of our lives, including marriage and parenting, but mostly just of being a woman in this world.

In Eve we saw just how fallible we are, and how the devil is able to work on us until we cave. Next week we will meet the Woman at the Well*, learning how Jesus meets us just where we are.

*For extra credit, read John 4:1-42 and do a little reading between the lines. Maybe her story is your story.

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