Friday, February 22, 2013

Notes from the Bookshelf: Unglued

So far this semester in Mom Time, we’ve buckled down on our housekeeping, dusted off our apron of hospitality, and made it a mission to reach out and show God’s love.  I wonder how everyone is doing.  Have you taken control of your home, figured out how to serve your family, friends, and strangers, lowered your voice and kept your cool, made a meal for someone in need, enforced responsibility and manners to your children, or have you just….come unglued?

This week Erika helped keep things real and reminded us all that we have emotions and sometimes they get can get ugly.  Based on the book Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst, we let out the truth that there is a not-so-pretty side to us that needs to be dealt with.  There are many situations, relationships, outcomes that can cause us to meltdown and lose our temper.  Erika also confirmed that we can be our own worst enemy and set labels on ourselves which cause self-dissatisfaction. 

Regardless of how we react or what makes us come unglued, we need to remember that we are children of God and that He works all things for our good.  We have been given emotions to experience life, not to destroy it.  The choice is ours alone, will we accept God’s help and make an active attempt at relying on scripture, prayer, or a close friend to help us through our anger, stress, and shame?  We’re not perfect but we can practice integrity and see the baby steps of grace working in our lives.

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor. 10:5

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