Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A little reminder of God's love...

It’s nice to know you’re loved.  It’s comforting to be told you’re loved.  It’s elating to be shown you’re loved.  Sometimes we look for all these or even just one sign of love from other people but walk away disappointed.  Maybe you’re lonely.  Maybe you’ve been hurt and are scared to love again.  Maybe you’ve never felt love like you’ve desired.  The problem we all run into is that we put all our hope in other people.  It’s not wrong.  It’s natural and God intends for us to love one another, to have fruitful loving relationships. 
Most importantly, though, is our love relationship with God.  He’s the only one who loves us unconditionally.  You’ve probably heard that before, but a little reminder certainly helps.  If we weren’t reminded of God’s love on a regular basis, it’d be like saying our vows on our wedding day and never discussing our love for each other again.  My how doubt could creep in.  God constantly reminds us of His love.  He loves us on the good days and the bad.  He loves you when you feel like a failure and when you’re on the mountaintop.  He loves you no matter what. 
Love is a two-way street if you want a true relationship.  So, it’s important that we also express our love to God.  Tell Him you love Him, and show Him, too.  Follow His Word and strive to be obedient.  Pray and spend time in His presence.  This is one relationship that will NEVER disappoint!  Ever been hesitant to give your love to someone for the fear of being hurt?  Won’t happen with God.  His love is true and pure and everlasting. 

Psalm 136:26 Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.

Wow!  That verse says it all.  His steadfast love endures forever.  Amen.

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