Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Resurrected Life...

...leads to a life resurrected.


Last week in Mom Time, I shared on a very personal level how Jesus Christ has transformed my life. It's not something I am prone do to publicly because it is a messy story, filled with heartbreak and sin, mine and those committed against me, but it is my story. 1 Peter 4:10 says that we should share the gift we have been given for the good of the Kingdom, and my story is the gift God has given me. To not share is to not bear witness to the life changing power that Jesus brings to a life.

We spent some time in previous weeks talking about roots, those deeply held core beliefs that define our fruit, the behaviors we do and the words we speak. When we let Jesus into our hearts, and into our messes, He can change our roots. He took this girl who felt unlovable, unworthy, ugly, unnoticeable, and changed her into someone who knows she is loved by the Lord Most High. Everything else pales in comparison to that knowledge. David Crowder sings in How He Loves "When all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory  and I realize how beautiful You are and how great Your affections are for me."

This was not accomplished by following the rules of a religion, but by entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ and giving my life over to Him. Many people say they aren't into "church" or "religion", and that's a good thing, because Jesus is not after either. He isn't looking for people who can keep a schedule of various life events to show their punch card at Heaven's door; He is looking for people willing to follow and learn from Him, to follow His example of loving others, and to trust Him with their very lives.

Sharing our lives and our secrets can be scary, but maybe you have walked through something that you can encourage someone else through. Even the ugly stuff. Actually, especially the ugly stuff. Share the gift that He has given you for the good of His Kingdom. Share how He has helped you through something (2 Corinthians 1:3).

I am also so excited to tell you that following the lesson that I had the privilege to pray with someone as she asked Jesus into her heart. You never know how your story will touch someone else's. If you are in need of the life transforming love of Jesus Christ and have never asked Him to be your Savior, I am praying that you make that step. There is no magic formula.

In your own words, admit to God that you know you are a sinner and in need of His forgiveness. Tell Him that you believe that Jesus is His Son and that He died to pay the price for your sins. Tell Him that you would like Jesus to come into your heart and be your Savior, and commit your life to Him. There is nothing you need to fix first, nothing you need so set right. Jesus is the only Way to set things right, the only One who can. If you have never accepted Him as Savior, He is waiting for you.

Take His resurrected Life so that you can live a life resurrected.

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