Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Mother's Day Message

Not every great learning lesson needs to come from a book, sometimes the best knowledge comes from those who have gone before you and walked your path.  Debbie shared some of her wisdom with us today that can only obtained by living it.  She left us with four statements and truths to keep in mind as we enjoy and struggle through our everyday mom lives.

Especially with Mother’s Day approaching quickly, we often tend to feel like we need to be rewarded or praised for fulfilling our motherly duties.  We work hard, every day, every hour but we don’t see any raises, we don’t earn a degree in parenting, and we certainly don’t get handed a report card that shows all A’s we rightly deserve.  But if we take a step back, consider what the Lord has to say and also check in with what really fulfills our purpose, isn’t being a mother and having the opportunity to raise our children to know Jesus the best reward there is?

If we can’t be nice to forgive our kids in a heated moment, thank goodness God can.  How lucky are we that our God commands us to love each other and forgive one another and also does that for us?  Our children are going to walk out into this world and do things we can’t be ready for. They will hurt us, mess up, and make us question our parenting but we know that love covers our sins.  Our love for our children should far exceed any sin they may commit.

Farmers are patient people, aren’t they?  They have to be.  They can’t expect to see their planted seeds sprout up and produce fruit without going through the timely growing, watering, harvesting, etc. process, as we should expect with our children.  They won’t just grow up to be outstanding Christians who love and serve God without years of growing and learning from Mom and Dad. The process of raising children can seem long and you may question that light at the end of the tunnel when you’re in the midst of a learning curve but be patient and let your kids grow into their own person, God will shape them as he needs them.

Finally, nothing lasts forever.  Their cute words, the snuggling, the tantrums, and the admiration they have for you.  Enjoy each day and do things to make your memories last.  Write in a journal and record their achievements.  Keep track of silly things they did.  Embrace the good days and be patient through the trying ones because it all will pass faster than you ever expected.

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